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A word used by a search engine in its search for relevant Web pages is called Keyword.

Importance of Keywords in SEO

Keyword tags are an important element in all web pages. keyword tags are one of the best ways of optimizing the number of visitors on your site.

A good web page should contain the information that people are looking for. So, while developing the content of any web page its really important to find out the important keywords and then to put them in the content of the web page. Basically the keywords can be found easily when u will view as a user or visitor of the web page, find out how the visitor will use the search terms and those search terms will become your most important keywords.

Keyword research is very time consuming but if done right, will provide your website a continuous flow of quality targeted traffic.Using the best keywords to describe your web site helps get those searchers to visit your website. In information retrieval a keyword is a word or phrase which describes a concept found in a document.

Search engines today only want one thing and that is quality, relevant search results that will be of help for all of their users. So, they only find those web pages having good content.

Kinds of Keywords

Before we get into keyword order, let's talk about the different kinds of keywords. there are: primary, secondary, and tertiary.

Primary Keywords

A primary keyword is the keyword or keyword-phrase that you'll use before all other keywords. It's the most important keyword and the entire content of the web page should discuss it at length.

It should be introduced as an article's file name, title, and of course, within the page's content. And it should be the first word of the first sentence of the first paragraph as well. This specific order is extremely important to your SEO efforts because search engines deem the first words of an article as the most important.

When a search engine indexes a web page, it's those first words that tell the search engine (1) what the web page is about and (2) what search queries that web page should respond to.

In no circumstances should web page of an article about electronic football games start with a company's title, software developer's name, or insignificant greeting. If this article began with a slick welcome message for example, its link wouldn't show up in the forefront of search engines the way that an article starting with the keyword phrases, "fantasy football" or "college football" would.

Secondary Keywords

A secondary keyword is the keyword or keyword-phrase that you'll use after the primary keyword or keyword-phrase and it immediately follows the primary keyword that you're working with in the list obtained from the Good Keywords program.

Secondary keywords aren't necessary, however when they're embedded into your web page, they increase the chance of attracting website visitors who use the next best keywords to search with.

Tertiary Keywords

Tertiary keywords are a group of keywords or keyword-phrases (usually no more than 10) that are used after the secondary keyword or keyword phrase. They too, increase the chance of attracting website visitors who use different keywords to search with.

These keywords are introduced behind the secondary keyword in a page's description and keyword metatags, and of course, throughout the page's content.

Keywords in Action

As an illustration, let's say that your website caters to joggers. Joggers would readily find your website if it hosted articles written with the following keywords:

  • jogging
  • jogging running
  • jogging tip
  • benefit jogging
  • complete guide idiot jogging running
  • jogging woman
  • burned calorie jogging
  • jogging lose weight
  • jogging loss weight
  • begin jogging
  • beginner jogging
  • calorie jogging
  • jogging program
  • exercise jogging
  • jogging technique
  • beginning jogging

Using these keywords as an example, the subject of your first SEO article would be about jogging. It's primary keyword would be: "jogging", the secondary keyword would be: "jogging running," and the tertiary keywords would be: "jogging tip, benefit jogging, complete guide idiot jogging running, jogging woman, burned calorie jogging, jogging lose weight, jogging loss weight, begin jogging, beginner jogging, calorie jogging."

The primary keyword of a second article about the subject would focus on " jogging running." Its secondary keyword would be "jogging tip," and its tertiary keywords would be "benefit jogging, complete guide idiot jogging running, jogging woman, burned calorie jogging, jogging lose weight, jogging loss weight, begin jogging, beginner jogging, calorie jogging, jogging program."

The position of these keywords in articles changes (shifts) as you move down the list of available search terms. And maintaining this order in your articles is extremely important so that you attract the attention of the people who use these keywords.


The above example keywords were obtained with the "Good Keywords" program, and this particular software retrieves keywords in an order that dictates popularity.

In our sample list, the keyword-phrase, "jogging woman" appears before "beginning jogging" because its more popular - meaning that "jogging woman" is used to search the internet much more than the "beginning jogging" keyword-phrase is used. By maintaining this same order in your articles, you'll increase your chances of attracting the widest audience of Internet searchers at one time.

In other words, an article focusing on a keyword or keyword-phrase that's used 90% of the time could be read by a higher percentage of people than say, an article focusing on a keyword that's used 10% or 2% of the time.

In this instance, you want your website to respond to as many search engine queries at a time, which will consequently also bring in the most website traffic.

Keyword Density

At the time of this publication, an article - or webpage content - can be as short as 300 words while anything more than 600 words (in SEO Article Marketing) is thought to lose a reader's interest. The number of words in an article is extremely important, as it helps to determine a thing called keyword density.

Keyword Density Defined

Keyword density is the number of times that a keyword or keyword-phrase occurs within a page of content (not HTML tags) and again, at the time of this publication, a density from 1% - 5% seems to be acceptable.

You can calculate the keyword density within your article by dividing the number of times that each keyword or keyword-phrase occurs by the number of the total words in the entire article.

For example, a 300-word article that mentions a particular keyword 15 times has a keyword density of 5%. An article with a 1% - 5% keyword density resembles the natural flow of regular speech. But when that density is increased to 10% or 20%, the article becomes incomprehensible and 'spammy.'

Keyword Density in Action

Take a look at the following paragraph examples.

Example 1:

Jogging is an exercise that we all can enjoy as long as we take proper precautions. Unlike full-fledged marathon running, jogging is performed at a pace that we're comfortable with - not a pace that we're competing with. And we can make adjustments in our jogging pace, route, environment, etc. to reduce the risk of a heart attack caused by overzealous activity.

Example 2:

Jogging is a jogging exercise that we all can enjoy as long as we take the proper jogging precautions. Unlike full-fledged marathon running, jogging is performed at a jogging pace that we're comfortable with - not a jogging pace that we're competing with. We can make jogging adjustments in jogging pace, jogging routes, jogging environments, etc. to reduce the risk of a heart attack caused by strenuous jogging activity.

Example 1 contains a 4% keyword density and strongly resembles natural speech. Example 2 however, contains a 15% keyword density, however it strongly resembles spam.

Keyword Density Workarounds

To prevent spamdexing, yet continue to draw in traffic and achieve a high position in the search engines, you are encouraged to use more than one keyword or keyword-phrase in a single article as long as the use of each doesn't exceed the recommended density (1% - 5%).

You're also encouraged to use interjections or small prepositions to break up some of the keyword-phrases. For example, "benefit jogging" and "benefit, jogging."

This makes for easier reading, and it's A-OK in SEO Article Marketing because search engines generally ignore these kinds of words. Apostrophes, dashes, commas, and other punctuation marks don't generally disrupt the relevancy of a keyword pattern as well.

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